

MongoDB is based on a scale-out architecture, which has gained popularity among developers of all types for developing scalable applications with evolving data schemas.

MongoDB, as a document database, makes it simple for developers to store structured or unstructured data. It stores documents in a JSON-like format. This format directly maps to native objects in most modern programming languages, making it a natural choice for developers because it eliminates the need for data normalisation. MongoDB can also handle large amounts of data and scale vertically or horizontally to accommodate large data loads.

Our developers can build business applications to evolve quickly and scale elegantly. 

NoSQL databases have advantages such as simpler data models, easier data distribution, and automatic repair. These benefits necessitate fewer administrative costs and, as a result, are less expensive.
It is open source and has lower server costs. Open-source software is free. Because NoSQL databases use less expensive servers, the cost of data storage and processing per gigabyte is significantly lower.
It is simple to implement and highly scalable. Because NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, scale horizontally, you can expand by adding more machines to your resource pool.
It includes built-in caching. Caching data in system memory improves data output performance.
There are no schema issues with MongoDB. Because NoSQL databases do not require a predefined schema, you can change the data model and formats without disrupting applications.

It's simple to use. MongoDB is a user-friendly database with many useful features (ad-hoc queries, aggregation, capped collection, file storage, indexing, load balancing, replication, server-side JavaScript execution).