

GitHub is a platform for online software development. It is used for software project storage, tracking, and collaboration. It allows developers to easily share code files and collaborate with other developers on open-source projects. GitHub also functions as a social networking site for developers, where they can freely network, collaborate, and pitch their work.

Users of GitHub create accounts, upload files, and start coding projects. However, the true work of GitHub occurs when users begin to collaborate.

While anyone can code independently, most development projects are built in groups. Sometimes these teams are all in the same place at the same time, but more often than not, they work asynchronously. Creating collaborative projects with distributed teams presents numerous challenges. GitHub simplifies this process in a variety of ways.

It simplifies contributing to your open source projects: Using GitHub is free if your project is open source and includes a wiki and issue tracker, making it simple to include more detailed documentation and receive feedback on your project.
Documentation: Using GitHub makes it easier to obtain high-quality documentation. Their help section and guides contain articles on almost any git-related topic you can think of.
Display your work: GitHub is the most reliable tool for this. Most companies now look at GitHub profiles when looking for new recruits for their projects.
Markdown : Markdown allows you to use a simple text editor to write formatted documents. GitHub has revolutionized writing by channeling everything through Markdown: from the issue tracker, user comments, everything.
Track changes in your code across versions : When multiple people collaborate on a project, it’s hard to keep track revisions—who changed what, when, and where those files are stored. GitHub takes care of this problem by keeping track of all the changes that have been pushed to the repository. 
Integration options : GitHub can integrate with common platforms such as Amazon and Google Cloud, services such as Code Climate to track your feedback, and can highlight syntax in over 200 different programming languages.