

Appium is an open source automation testing tool that uses a WebDriver to test native mobile applications and mobile-web applications on iOS and Android. Sauce Labs created and supports it in order to automate native and hybrid mobile apps. Appium is a cross-platform mobile automation testing tool that uses the JSON wire protocol to interact with native iOS and Android apps via Selenium WebDriver. Appium Server is written in Node.js and operates on a client-server architecture, with client machines communicating with the server via a protocol.

To start an automation test session, the client machine sends a JSON wire protocol request to the Appium server. Many programming languages, including Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, C#, and JavaScript, can be used to create test code.

Developers must select test automation frameworks based on the type of mobile app. They can, however, use Appium testing services to test various types of mobile apps, including native, hybrid, and mobile. As a cross-platform test automation framework, Appium facilitates testing of hybrid and mobile web apps. At the same time, the WebDriver protocol allows testers to automate native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. As a result, testers can now test a variety of mobile apps with a single tool.


  • Appium is an open-source tool, which means it is available for free. It is simple to set up.
  • Open-source Appium can cover black box end-to-end test flows including scenarios outside of the app, such as initiating a call or sending a text message.
  • It enables the testing of hybrid, native, and web applications.
  • Unlike other testing tools, Appium does not require the inclusion of any additional agents in your app to be compatible with automation. It tests the same app that will be uploaded to the App Store.
  • Appium now includes a new feature. It would now support both desktop application testing for Windows and mobile application testing.
  • Appium is a cross-platform, free mobile testing tool that allows us to perform cross-platform mobile testing. This means you can test on a variety of platforms (single API for both Android and IOS platforms).