

A suite of free and open-source tools called Bootstrap is used to build websites and online apps that are responsive. The framework is the most well-liked combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating responsive, mobile-first websites. The websites of today are ideal for all browsers (IE, Firefox, and Chrome) and screen sizes (Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones). All credits to the creators of Bootstrap, Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton from Twitter, even if the project later became open-source.


A Flat UI KIT based on the Bootstrap 3.2.0 CSS framework is called BOOTFLAT. It gives web developers a quicker, simpler, and less repetitious approach to make beautiful online apps.


One of the most well-liked alternatives to Foundation and Bootstrap is Bulma. It is an open-source, totally free CSS framework that doesn't require much training. To utilise Bulma, no prior CSS knowledge is necessary.


Skeleton gained immediate acceptance on our list as a dual-purpose solution. This CSS framework is both boilerplate and thorough. During our testing, we enjoyed modifying its 12-column grid and discovered that there is hardly any learning curve.


Frequent Updates: It provides regular updates, making the entire eco-system hefty and robust over time.
Bootstrap is completely customizable: It is developer friendly and can be tailored to the needs of the project. To make development easier, common CSS, utilities, Javascript Components, and components can be used to compose the appearance.
Unchanging Designs  : Because a group of Twitter employees intended to establish a framework to promote consistency across web sites and internal apps, Bootstrap was created with consistency in mind.
Speedy Development  : Using pre-exist code blocks, designers can easily create new web pages or websites with Bootstrap.
Simple to Implement  : The platform's API layer can be easily integrated thanks to Bootstrap's versatility. Designs can coexist peacefully with already-built pages, websites, apps, and operating systems.
Agile responsive : Bootstrap is a fully responsive platform that supports fluid grid layout. It creates a mobile-friendly site quickly and easily and adjusts the web design to the dimensions of the specific device.