
Vue. Js

Vue.js is another open source framework for SPAs. We use the component-based development model and add components to project.

 Vue. Js is an example of a more framework-like library. Knowledge of HTML and CSS is a must to use Vue.js. Suggest different templates and patterns to be applied in development. Vue is primarily known for its small document size and HTML-based syntax.Vue.js is a core library written in JavaScript that focuses solely on the view layer and enables the development of various web interfaces and single page applications. We integrate this library with other tools and libraries to get the desired output.

VuePress framework,For creating user interfaces for simple web pages and one-page applications, it is the ideal framework (SPAs).We are Making docs and other content-driven websites using VuePress.
Nuxt.js is a flexible framework that makes using Vue.js simpler and quicker. using for universal Vue apps, static webpages, and SPAs. First off, Vue, a client-server framework, helps us to create server-side generated apps easily.
Vuetify is a material design component framework for Vue.js that enables programmers to quickly and effectively construct stunning applications.


High performance
Vue js framework is extremely lightweight, bundling around 20KB. But it doesn’t compromise on performance or productivity. It is one of the fastest frameworks available for building web interfaces.
Stability and extensibility.
This implies that you can use it for both little interactive components and large, modular apps (SPAs). You can use a different technology for each situation.
A Rapid learning curve
Working with Vue.js doesn't require you to be an experienced user. The framework doesn't necessitate a thorough understanding of TypeScript or JSX, at least not to the same extent as other frontend stacks. It won't take you long to learn how to code with it.
Vue’s downloadable zip weighs only 18 KB. This means that both the download and the setup will be quick and that you can create very responsive UX. Of course, this will also have a positive effect on your SEO rankings.